Life Coaching Sessions

Life Coaching Individuals/Groups Online

El-Rafik offers both individual and group sessions. Whether you’re seeking change and support for yourself alone or as a group with a specific connection or shared goals, such as friends, siblings, family ties, study colleagues, work colleagues, partnerships, etc., we can assist. Many of us are influenced by society and upbringing and seek change towards a good and successful life. Often, we look through the lens of societal expectations and what others expect from us. We feel that we must be perfect and successful, measuring success by societal standards. Amid these constraints and expectations, we often lose sight of our own needs and desires. We no longer know what it means for us to live a satisfying life. Although we may seem to be performing perfectly in all our different roles, there is often some dissatisfaction. Many of us feel that something is missing. But don’t worry, we are here to help you with:

Our Programs

جلسات لايف كوتش للافراد
1. تحديد الأهداف الشخصية والمهنية
2. تطوير المهارات الشخصية
3. التوازن بين الحياة المهنية والشخصية
4. تطوير الثقة بالنفس وتعزيز صورة الذات
5. وتحسين مستوى إدارة الوقت و ادارة الضغوط والتوتر
6. تقديم الدعم في مواجهة التحديات والتغييرات المفاجئة في الحياة
7. وغيره الكثير

Group Life Coaching Sessions
1. Identifying the group’s common goals.
2. Defining roles.
3. Understanding each individual’s strengths.
4. How to properly utilize different strengths within the group.
5. Developing self-confidence and enhancing team spirit.
6. Improving communication and effective interaction.
7. Adapting to change and developing resilience.
8. And much more.